Past Exhibit Closed on September 30, 2023

Power to the Flower

Your favorite VW Bug is returning this June with a groovy new theme. Pedal to the Metal? This car doesn’t run on gas, so Power to the Flower is this year’s theme! This flower powered slug bug will feature plants and flowers named after songs and themes from the 1960’s. So follow the sun, get those boots that were made for walking, and come by with a little help from your friends!

Don’t forget to stop by the Garden Gift Shop to get this year’s t-shirt!

Previous Botanical Bugs

This bug is always changing and planted with a new theme every year! We’ve previously featured The Cactus Car and the BUGonia.

Current Exhibits

Photograph of a butterfly

Oct 1–May 31

Butterfly Magic

Cox Butterfly and Orchid Pavilion

Oct 12–Apr 30

Fiesta de los Animales

Jan 7–Mar 6

Este es mi México

Education Classroom