Grant & Alvernon. All you need to know.
What’s Happening?
The Grant Road Improvement Project from Alvernon Way to Swan Road (Sparkman Boulevard to Venice Place) is underway and will likely impact your route when visiting the Tucson Botanical Gardens (TBG).

With construction underway, travel restrictions will be in place and we suggest you plan your route to arrive from the South so that you may turn right into the Gardens. See the map below.

Please Note!

Travel lanes will be reduced in all directions, depending on the project phase.
No left turns will be allowed in any direction at the Grant and Alvernon intersection.
Construction crews will work from 6am to 2pm, Monday – Friday, but we anticipate travel restrictions being in place outside those hours.
According to the City of Tucson, at completion, this improvement project will include six travel lanes, landscaped medians, buffered bike lanes, sidewalks, transit stop upgrades, indirect left turns and protected intersection improvements at Alvernon and Grant.

We appreciate your patience as this project continues.
Drive safely and see you in the Gardens!