Past Exhibit Closed on May 31, 2024
The Matthew B. Johnson Florilegium
Showcasing the plants of the University of Arizona Joseph Wood Krutch Garden
This exhibit features beautifully rendered illustrations of the plants growing in the historic Joseph Wood Krutch Garden on the University of Arizona Campus. As part of the University of Arizona Campus Arboretum’s 20th Anniversary, Tanya M. Quist, Associate Professor and Director of the Arboretum commissioned artists from throughout the Southwest U.S.
(including Margaret Pope, Pauline Savage, Chris Bondante, Diane Inman, Joyce Peters, Jennie Norris, Susan Ashton, and Karen Gengle) to create botanical art that documents the scientific and aesthetic value of the University of Arizona’s most important historic garden.
Collectively, the illustrations form a florilegium, (translated as “book of flowers”) an ancient method of using art to record, catalog, and preserve the scientific and historic value of a special garden. While the scientific uses are numerous, the art itself makes science accessible, often inspiring a stronger connection between people and plants.
Witness the intricate details of Sonoran native plants studied under magnification. We hope your understanding will grow and that you will be inspired by science!
Header Image: Myrtillocactus cochal “Cochal”, by Chris Bondante
Above: Larrea tridentata “Creosote/Greasewood”, by Chris Bondante