Current ExhibitJan 10–Apr 20

 A Reverence for This Land: Southern Arizona

Friends House Gallery 

Oil paintings by Tom Collazo

Tom comes to painting via an unconventional route. He studied journalism, had a woodworking business, and then a long career at The Nature Conservancy preserving a land he has come to love: Southern Arizona’s diverse desert, grassland, forest and riparian habitats. When Tom retired in 2011, he was inspired to take up painting.

Tom paints with oils using color and texture to create representational landscapes that evoke a physical atmosphere. “From the lushness and cloud shapes, I think you can tell it was hot and humid when I painted Summer in the Grasslands.” Color and paint are layered carefully. “I am attempting to capture a vision of what the world was, and still can be, if we protect these sublimely beautiful places. I hope my work provides a memory of a particular moment in time, and that it conveys the timelessness of nature. Beyond that, I hope that those who enjoy my paintings will be prompted to take action to protect these places we love.”

Current Exhibits

Photograph of a butterfly

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Education Classroom